Letter or Prayer Sponsor for Guatemala

DGFUMC is sending eight delegates to Guatemala City from July 12 – 21 to continue to deepen our relationship with the families of UPAVIM, facilitated through Sister Parish. You can participate in this delegation by being a letter or prayer sponsor.

To be a letter sponsor, write a note of encouragement that the delegates can open each day they are on the trip. It is important for them to know they represent our church community and they carry with them your thoughts, blessings, and hopes for a safe and meaningful experience. Our delegates are Pastor Anna Voinovich, Jenny Kirkpatrick, Linda Main, Gwen Kenney-Benson, Renee and Hannah Hyzy, and Sheila and Bella Ochoa. Return notes to the church office by Tuesday, July 9 or email them to the church office at sheila@dgfumc.org and they will be printed for the delegates.

To be a prayer sponsor, commit to pray for our delegates on any of their mission days. Please also pray for the women of UPAVIM as they work to bring hope and services to the people of their impoverished neighborhood, La Esperanza. It is a wonderful opportunity to encourage their work and stand beside them as they struggle for a better life.Letter or Prayer Sponsor.

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