The Agape League

It is an exciting season in the church! Two weeks ago we celebrated Easter. Last week the bells rang out their witness through the sanctuary. This week, we have the Children's Cantata, and then comes Confirmation Sunday and the Chancel Choir Cantata. In some ways, this is a shake up for us and the way we usually do worship. This month we are invited to worship in ways that don't follow our traditional structure and order. And you know what? I think that's great!

This weeks' scripture that we will explore in the 8:30 a.m. service is the Walk to Emmaus. The disciples are on the road when the encounter Jesus. They then invite him, though they do not recognize him, home for a meal. Jesus is there, meeting the disciples where they are, when they least expect it. Might we not need an opportunity from time to time to pay attention, to seek the presence of the Holy Spirit in places and spaces outside of our typical worship services?

I invite you to join us this week as our children sing the sermon and help us connect with God through their voices and words. The story of The Agape League promises to be a joyful worship service for all!

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