Called Out of Fear

If I was to use one word to describe Lent, I would use intentionality. In this season we are invited and encouraged to pay a little more attention, to purposefully seek the presence and guidance of God in our life. Whether that means letting go of something that distracts us, putting time away for spiritual practices, or reflecting on how we might live more in love with God and one another, this is a time of intentionality.

Sometimes, I think Lent can become a little silly. I remember as a child, jokes would be made about giving up things like broccoli. Even when it's not that silly when we give up something that we actually like or care about, how do we understand the connection between that and growing in love and relationship with God?

This year, I'm not giving anything up for Lent, but I am being intentional in exploring those things that keep from living out my faith in fullness. One thing that comes to mind is fear. There is nothing quite like fear to keep people from being their full selves or doing what is right when they know there may be consequences. Fear is powerful. This doesn't mean we should ignore fear. Sometimes fear is a powerful tool in helping us make decisions and keep ourselves safe.

Yet at the same time as followers of Christ, at times we are called to do hard things, to care deeply about people in ways that sometimes require sacrifices from us. Jesus lived a life of solidarity with those at the margins and we are called to do the same. This is not always the most popular or profitable way of living. It can be easy to come up with reasons not to do so. It can be easy to be overwhelmed by fear of consequences in challenging systems and institutions that cause harm to groups of people and yet that we are dependent on.

This week as we explore Luke 13:31-35, we get a glimpse of Jesus in action. He knows his mission. He knows what he is to do. He is intentional in his actions. Whether it is challenging our own fears or something completely different, how might you be intentional this Lent in growing closer with God?

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