The God in You

My first year of college, when looking for a church home, a sign posted in the college of music caught my attention. Trinity United Methodist Church, a small congregation down the street, invited college students to join their choir and receive a small stipend for singing with them each semester, no audition necessary. I'd grown up in a Methodist Church and this sounded like a great opportunity so I headed over for my first choir rehearsal.

When I got there, I was greeted warmly, welcomed, and invited to sit where ever I wanted and to sing whichever part felt most comfortable. Immediately, I felt welcome.

Over time, my relationship with this congregation grew. I continued to sing in the choir and I joined a Bible study. The name of the Bible study? The Young and the Rest of Us. The age gap between myself and the next youngest person was about 50 years, so this name still makes me giggle. Regardless, each Sunday we gathered and studied scripture, asked big questions, and grew together. The group welcomed and respected my ideas and input. I was grateful to hear their experiences and stories.

This week, we read from Luke 2:22-40 and follow along as Simeon and Anna, elders in the church, proclaim Jesus as the Messiah. Together we'll reflect on where we've recognized the holy among us.

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