Quaking into a New World

Holy Week is upon us! Together, we gather in worship Thursday, Friday, and Sunday as we journey with Jesus to and from the cross toward resurrection. Yesterday, we honored Maundy Thursday by washing each other's hands and honoring Christ's celebration of service. Today with worship leadership from our Chancel Choir, we gather around the cross and mourn as Jesus dies. All of this happens in one week as we make it to Sunday - to Easter.

What does Easter mean to you? When you think about this sacred day, what fills your mind? For me, it is a day of hope, joy, and celebration. In our scripture for this celebration, Matthew offers us the drama that this day deserves. Unlike the other Gospel accounts, the tomb isn't merely open when the women arrive. No, an earthquake moves the stone and provides the entrance that the angels deserve as they come to announce to the women that Jesus is risen. What a wild, miraculous message they, and now, we receive!

I wonder what it was like for them to hear this news after they had just witnessed so much sadness and destruction. I wonder how it is for us to receive this unbelievably good news in the midst of so much chaos and crisis in our world! Can we believe it? How will we respond? Let us join together on this holy day and explore that together!

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