Is This the Time?

There are places, spaces, and people that absolutely change our lives. For me, college was one of those spaces. I loved my time at Bowling Green State University. My dad likes to talk about when we were leaving after graduation. As we drove away, I was in tears. My dad turned to me and asked, "Are those happy tears?" My answer was "no."

Leaving the space that truly allowed me to grow into myself, to grow into my passions, and to build meaningful relationships was incredibly difficult. Sure, I had exciting plans for the future, but this space had become my home and I wasn't sure I was ready to leave it just yet.

This week, we celebrate Graduation Sunday. As some prepare for the next part of their journey, I wonder what emotions they are feeling. I imagine some are joyful as they get ready for something new and exciting. Others may feel a sense of pride for what they have accomplished. And others might feel scared, worried, or nervous as they leave what was known and head to something new.

Transitions are often complex and each of us navigates them differently. In Acts 1:6-14, the disciples are trying to imagine what life looks like for them without Jesus present with them on Earth. Is it here? Will Israel be restored? Will the empire no longer be such a crushing force for the people? What does the Church look like? They ask all of this and more as Jesus ascends.

What questions do you carry with you in times of change? How does your faith guide you when it feels like the world is moving from under your feet? Join us as we honor our graduates and explore together the transitions of life.


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