People of Faith, People of Action

Recently, Pastor Claude and I have received a multitude of  requests for weddings in the church. It's an exciting time! In preparing for these weddings, I'm taking a training on Prepare/Enrich, a helpful tool for pre-marital counseling. Prepare/Enrich emphasizes the importance of communication in a relationship. This makes sense! So many relationships start AND end because of communication. Sometimes we think we're expressing something clearly, but the message received is not what we thought we'd sent. 

This is exactly the issue in this week's Scripture. In Micah 6:1- 8, the people of Israel and God are struggling to understand each other. Micah, an angry farmer is called by God to mediate. God asks the people what more they could be wanting and they turn the question on God, providing answers to the question as they ask. 

In response, they receive the ever familiar: What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? God answers their question not with any of the answers they offered in their question, but with another question. 

What does the Lord require of us but justice, kindness, and going humbly with our God? This week we'll explore what God might be asking of us today in our own community, especially as we get ready for Lent and are invited by Missions, Justice, and Community to consider what we have to offer in the name of God to mercy and justice in this world.

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