A story of hope, faith, and love

I've never experienced a season of Lent quite like this. I'm guessing you haven't either! Have you seen the tweet going around that says: "I hadn't planned on giving up this much for Lent"? It's been making its way around the internet and many a friend of mine have posted it. There's some humor in this post, but also, underneath that, at least a little acknowledgement of grief. Grief looks different for each person and each community at different times. Sometimes it's the grief of all that's been cancelled or postponed: proms, weddings, graduation ceremonies, and funerals to name a few. Sometimes it's the grief that comes with loss of security: loss of jobs, loss of shelter, loss of income, loss of social contact, or loss of health. Sometimes it's the grief of the loss of loved ones. All of this grief can linger in the air, in our communities, in our hearts even longer than the virus lingers on surfaces. How do we live in the midst of it? 

It's almost overwhelming how relevant this week's scripture is to our current reality. Together, we'll explore John 11:1-45, a story of grief, of loss, and of distance from loved ones. It's also a story of hope, faith, and love. May we find comfort and wisdom in the Word of God and our worship together, even while we're apart!

I hope you join us for worship over the phone or on the internet this Sunday! You can find details how here.

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