Abundant Honor

The Independence Day holiday we just celebrated was another opportunity to prioritize some of the things we see as a blessing and as honorable as citizens and residents of this country. I thank God for being part of a nation that was built on a foundation of openness to diverse religious expression, diverse opinions across all types of communication, to peaceful assembly, and this list goes on. I am also thankful that we are a nation whose fabric is made up of many kinds of people from a variety of diverse backgrounds who have honorably contributed to our nation's inception, integrity, and evolution. 

My thoughts for this Sunday's sermon comes from Mark 6:1-13 where, among other things, the subject of honor was a major part of that reading. Jesus returned to his hometown of Nazareth and began to teach in the synagogue there. Although Jesus was already renowned for the miracles he was performing elsewhere, many of the people in his hometown wondered how he could do those things. They then became repulsed by him because they knew Jesus and his family well. They felt he should not be honored in his teaching or the miracles he performed because he was too familiar.

What is the standard of how you honor and respect those you know well? How can we expand our concept of honor and respect to everyone with equity?

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