Should I Stay or Should I Go?

I know people who bring a Godly presence with them wherever they go. The presence I am thinking about is the understanding that those people have invited God with them in as many places as they want God to walk with them into.

The thing about inviting God to be present with us everywhere we go is that anyone wishing to live that way must recognize the blessings and joys that it brings about for healing and wellness from a multitude of undeserved sufferings and sins we have committed. It also brings with it an understanding of the slings and arrows that must be overcome when forces come against us and attempt to overpower God's presence in our lives that try to limit the power God gives to those who allow divine inspiration to move them.

I have seen God's presence in the people who have wanted to do God's work and knew that they were called to bring God's love to people who have been abandoned and given up on but were fighting within themselves to carry out the work of God when the opportunity presented itself. It centers first on recognizing the source of the power that was leading them to do the work. Then, it requires stepping out in faith to put into action the love that God's presence wants to express to God's broken and suffering children.

I have noticed this scenario occurring in my life too. I have been led to bring God's presence with me into certain situations that needed God's love and care applied to them. I went through a series of internal debates as to whether that was the best time and proper situation that God was leading me to act out love, supply healing, bring comfort, or stand strong in support and defense of those who were vulnerable and unable to fight off predatory groups who take advantage of them.

I wanted to be God's guardian, but I had to deal with my own self-interests that were often in conflict with the presence of God in me. We are gathered by God to be loved and healed and to be sent out to love and heal others through God's presence in us.

Please read Matthew 21:23-32. If you first read verses 1-22, you will uncover a series of commands and actions by Jesus and responses by the towns' people and the religious leaders that Jesus experienced as the backdrop for this week's passage.

You will also find within the passage for this week, an interrogation of Jesus by the leaders of the synagogue in his community and finally, a parable that Jesus told to shine a spotlight on the issue of how certain types of people may react to God's presence directing their lives.

How do you invite God's presence into your daily life? How do recognize God's presence in your life? And what do you have to consider when you feel God leading you to go and serve those who need God's presence from you? Amen.

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