A Calling to All of Us

Today is Veteran's Day, a day we remember the courage and sacrifices of the men and women who served in our nation's armed forces, with the deep hope that what they gave would help to defend and protect the freedoms and rights of people in our nation and others.

This Veteran's Day comes at the end of a Presidential Election week that has left our nation deeply aware of divisions of thought and goals, and deeply aware of mistrust between groups of people. As one pastor put it, "half of our nation is pleased; half is hurting."

One of our church members shared a simple, yet very helpful reminder she was sent by a friend in the midst of the controversy of this week,  "What does the Lord require of you, but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"  (Micah 6:8).

This is a calling to all of us, whatever our current attitudes or political leanings - justice, kindness, and humility, for the sake of others, and for the sake of God. As citizens of this nation who are people of faith, we are especially called to work within the democratic process to bring good to our neighbors.

You may find helpful, as I did, prayers for our nation and for our President-elect offered by our Bishop, Sally Dyck, and by the Council of United Methodist Bishops, who send a letter and a prayer to every newly elected President. Excerpts from them are below, with links to the full text.

And I will be looking forward even more to the opportunity we have to stand with our neighbors, across lines of religion or political affiliation, at the DuPage United Assembly next Thursday, November 17.

"As we begin this day, let us pray.  Let us pray for our country and each other...Our better angel selves work for justice and love for all in speech and action in spite of our hurt and fear.  Let us give witness to the best of our nation's traditions and values as well as our faith..."

Prayer of Bishop Sally Dyck

"And so, I pray for you and our nation:
Holy God, Creator of us all,
Send your Spirit of peace, justice, and freedom upon us;
Break down the walls of political partisanship and economic disparity,
And make us one.
Give us wisdom to walk in your ways.
Remind us that your ways are not our ways;
That your power and might transcend the plans of every nation.
Teach us again to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.

Prayer from letter sent from Council of Bishops

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