Every Morning Is Easter Morning

Years and years ago, I happened to be in this church for a summer worship service, and heard, for the first time, a festive Avery and Marsh song, Every Morning is Easter Morning from Now On...  sung by a quartet. The enthusiasm of the singers made an impact on me, and every now and then I find myself going back to that moment, and appreciating the song's reminder to see each day through the light of the resurrection of Christ.

Of course, every Sunday, throughout the year, is meant to be a "little Easter." Early in Christian history, Christians began to worship on Sunday, in addition to regular Sabbath (Saturday) worship, as a way to commemorate and celebrate the resurrection, an event discovered on that first Easter Sunday morning.

We had a joyous time of worship last Sunday, on Easter, with all the special music and flowers and banners and the power of the simple scripture account of the resurrection. But Easter is never over for us - and this Sunday, April 12, we look forward to a great Sunday as well. The focus will be our call to be Stewards of God's Creation, with scripture and reflections to help us hear that call in fresh ways. What an important expression of that new life - that "Easter life" - we celebrate!

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