Lift Up Your Voice

This Sunday, our church's Children's Choirs - Cherubs, Choristers, and Connection - will lead the 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. services with the skits and songs of their cantata "Let Your Light Shine."

What an important message! And what an important moment it is for a young person to find his or her voice is supported, truly listened to, and appreciated by adults in a faith community. Such an experience shapes confidence, a sense of self, and opens doors for a life of "learning to speak the truth in love." (Ephesians 4:15)

Be sure to come Sunday morning for this delightful worship experience, that will help us all to remember to "let our light shine" and to "find our voice" in God's love. Speaking of "voice," one of the ministries of our congregation to the community is to make space available for various groups and events that help people "find their voice."

You can often read about them on various posters on the community bulletin boards throughout the church building. For example, this Sunday afternoon (April 29), the Downers Grove Choral Society will present a concert in our Sanctuary. Next Sunday afternoon (May 6), EQDG will reach out to the community with an educational event here featuring speaker Tony Ferraiolo; and in three weeks (May 20) the Cantores Community Choir will share an afternoon concert in our church. In addition, we have ongoing groups that meet here, like the National MS Society, the Young Onset Parkinson's Support Group, Girls Scout troops and Boy Scout packs. All are opportunities for members of our wider communities to "find their voice" - and know they are being listened to - in a place of God's love.

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