So Much to Celebrate

This Sunday's worship will include a celebration and dedication of the new stained glass windows that have been added to our church sanctuary over the past two years. As we'll be reminded on Sunday, they tell a story of the "Hymns of Praise" that teach and inspire us as a congregation. But they remind us of other stories of our life together, too.

For one, they speak to us about how unexpected opportunities come out of unwanted problems. When we began to realize that our original sanctuary windows were becoming old enough that the leading was separating from the single-pane glass, leaving open seams, it took some creative thinking to see how this could become a blessing. But there's plenty of creative thinking in this congregation! - and the idea of the new memorial/honor windows emerged.

They tell a story of the value of gathering many ideas - our whole congregation was invited to express our preferences for the windows' design, resulting in the "Hymns of Praise" windows offered by artist Rich Flory.

They remind us that many gifts work together to make something beautiful. Rev. Curtis Rolfe used his long experience with stained glass to craft the windows, and people gave of their financial resources to make them a reality.

And, of course, they witness to the lives of people in whose honor or memory they were given - to the faith, hope and love they have shown.

The windows have already brought fresh color - and light - and the world outside - into our sanctuary in new ways.   They'll remind us on Sunday - and in the years ahead -- that we have so much to celebrate, in the faith we share, and in the stories of this congregation.

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