Take a Walk!

When I was young, one of the small pleasures of the school year starting up again was the prospect of daily walks to and from school with friends from my neighborhood.  On these daily walks, understanding of my friends grew, inevitable squabbles were healed, and compassion deepened as we shared, on the way home, what had been that day's biggest challenges. And there was the unbeatable bonding experiences of doubling over with laughter together at some great joke or silly observation. I'm sure much of that same deepening, understanding, and silliness happened for my children on their daily bus rides to school with neighborhood friends. But there's something about walking together…that allows conversation to flow, and thoughts to be especially creative. Even as adults, we take advantage of what walking together can do. Early each morning (as I sit comfortably in my living room), I see pairs or trios of neighbors taking time to walk together to start the day.

"Learning to Walk with Christ Daily" is not only the theme of this fall quarter in our church, but is a shorthand way of describing the Christian life. Being a Christian is an ongoing journey of growing in understanding who Christ is, and stepping into our experiences each day as companions with Christ. When Jesus called his first disciples, he didn't lay out a specific strategy or time line for them, but asked them simply to "follow me," to walk with him day by day. That invitation is still being extended to us here and now. Before we have all the answers, before we know exactly where we stand, long before we feel ready, Christ invites us to walk along with him, right in our lives as they are, and discover Life in him.
This fall, we'll have opportunities to do that in many ways. We "walk" by spending time with other "walkers" in small groups, in worship, in service events, in prayer. We'll "walk" as we join in the all church "Day of Service" on September 8; celebrate together with our special Rally Day Worship Services and movie at the Tivoli on September 9; step into our community to listen to our neighbors through the "Listen, Link and Launch" event of September 22; hear current societal issues in a faith perspective at the  "Religion in Politics" forum on October 3; join hands with local and global neighbors in need through the CROP Walk October 14; and as we gather in gratitude to offer and bless the gifts God has given us on Stewardship Sunday, October 21.
This fall, let's "take a walk" – together, with Christ, each day. That is a journey of Life – "Life in all its fullness." (John 10:10)

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