
What a week it's been! - cars with mannequin drivers being launched into deep space; yet another budget impasse debate in Congress; people standing up and speaking up to protect the rights and well-being of others; athletes gathering in South Korea from around the globe - and now, on this Friday morning, thick layers of snow covering our part of the world, changing how everything looks, and making us slow down and notice what is right before our eyes.

Whether we welcome the snow or not, at some point (after the shoveling, plowing, and managing to get to and from work and errands is done) we will surely notice that it has "transfigured" our everyday places into scenes of a different kind of beauty.

One dictionary definition of "transfiguration" is "a complete change of form or appearance into a more beautiful or spiritual state."

It's a word we use in the church, too, to describe an indescribable moment in the life of Jesus, when he was seen more fully, deeply, and timelessly by his closest disciples. What the moment really meant would continue to be discovered by the disciples in the rest of their journey with Jesus.

Jim will be sharing the message on "Transfiguration" this Sunday, the last Sunday in our Epiphany Season, using Mark 9:2-10 as the scripture, and applying it to our lives today.

He adds, "I want to give a big 'thanks' to all who sent cards of get-well after my recent hospitalization, and also to the families that provided meals. A big hug and thank-you to you all!"

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