Bustin’ Out All Over

Every June 1, my wife has the habit of singing June is Bustin’ Out All Over. Not only all over the house, but on the phone to our kids as well. On some of those June mornings, I’d rather she didn’t, but she does and she does all the verses.

March went out like a lion
A whippin up the water in the bay;
Then April cried and stepped aside,
And along came pretty little May!

May was full of promises
But she didn't keep 'em quick enough for some
And a crowd of doubtin' Thomases
Was predictin' that the summer'd never come
But it's comin' by gum,

You can feel it come,
You can feel it in your heart
You can see it in the ground
You can hear it in the trees
You can smell it in the breeze
Look around! Look around! Look around!

June is bustin' out all over
All over the meadow and the hill!
Buds are bustin' outa bushes
And the rompin' river pushes
Ev'ry little wheel that wheels beside the mill!

June is bustin' out all over
The feelin' is gettin' so intense,
That the young Virginia creepers
Hev been huggin' the bejeepers
Out of all the mornin' glories on the fence!

Because it's June...
June, June, June
Just because it's June, June, June!

This song from Carousel reminds me that there is something about bustin’ that sounds like the explosion of color and forest songs that come along with warmer seasons. After too many months of a black and white winter, we are ready for some bustin’ out into the Kodachrome of spring and summer.

This year, our summer theme is Strengthening Our Connections. At DGFUMC, we strengthen our connections with other churches each summer at the Northern Illinois Annual Conference. This year we will strengthen these connections by celebrating 175 years of ministry in northern Illinois and electing delegates to General Conference and Jurisdictional Conference. Closer to home we strengthen our connections with each other every Sunday morning, every work area meeting and every ministry planning meeting.

God loves connections. Why? Because God is a connection. The interplay we call the Trinity; God as Mother/Father, God as Son and God as Spirit, is God in three persons in such perfect relationship that they are one. God's will is that we be connected just like the Trinity, that all may be one. In the end, there isn't anything else, only love. Only love all the way down; connection, relationship and companionship, bustin' out all over.

So the next time you hear June is Bustin’ Out All Over, remember that God’s life is bustin' out to be in relationship with you. There isn’t anything in God that isn’t relationship. Jesus' whole ministry is relationship all the way down; connection all the way through, with God and people.

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