A New Heaven and a New Earth

This Sunday, we'll be rejoicing in God's creation with an Environmental Stewardship focus, "A New Heaven and a New Earth." Our scripture, Luke 24:34-48, gives us a glimpse of the Risen Christ empowering his disciples to be bearers of forgiveness and new life for the whole world.

At the 8:15 service, the message will look at that passage in the light of caring for God's gift of the earth; and how the dedication of individuals, like Rachel Carson, author of the ground-breaking 1960 book "Silent Spring" opened the way for us all to join in that important work of environmental care.

At the 9:30 and 11:00 services, we are delighted to have a guest speaker, Jan Roehll, from the Conservation Foundation, share about the importance of everyday actions we can take to protect the earth and its resources for all. Her name may already be familiar to you - she planned and developed the wonderful trail system in the DuPage County forest preserves, and now works to improve water quality in our area.

In Luke 24:48, Jesus reminds his disciples that they are to be his witnesses in the world. There are so many ways to do that - and one way is to protect the earth for others.

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