Points of revelation

Earlier this week, college football completed its season with a surprising finish in the final minutes. Sometimes in life, things do take us by surprise. John the Baptist was surprised that Jesus asked him to baptize him. After all, this was Jesus. But why would Jesus need to be baptized? What does it mean that God got wet with mud between his toes and fully put on our humanity? What does it mean that Jesus got immersed in the river and we get immersed in Jesus? Together in worship this Sunday we will think together through some of these ideas. I will speak to what makes a sacrament a sacrament and how you and I may become points of revelation - the definition of an epiphany - as we embrace others as children of God, who are prized, honored and loved.

I know it has been a dingy kind of week with clouds, fog and rain, but we can brighten up life around us from the inside. Remember, even though it may not seem like it on these bleak winter days, we are subtly moving towards spring.

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