
Typically, when I read through a scripture passage for preaching, I get bored. Not because I'm a rebellious type, though I guess I am of sorts, but more because I'm always looking for fresh ways to explore meaning. So after reading Matthew 13:1-9, The Parable of the Sower, for this week's sermon, "Random," I wondered what would happen if I lopped off the interpretation of this parable and just focused on the story, hence the term random. And there came a sermon.

Parables, I think, are not for explanation, but more to reveal another reality through which we might see life. I think the explanation of this story of the seeds destroys the meaning of the scattering. Of course I could be way off base, but where better to be-- than standing at an angle, ready to move forward.

It's nice to get a pinch of summer this week, but this weekend it's supposed to cool down so worship should be comfortable and cool.

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