Treasures and Your Life

This past Sunday, I had the pleasure to walk alongside 90 of fellow DGFUMCers in the annual South DuPage CROP Hunger Walk. We were there to support hunger-fighting efforts around the world and in our own backyard and also, let's face it, to see John Smoke wear a Chicago Bears jersey. Worth every step!

The CROP Walk is just one of the many ministries that our church supports in ways both big and small. These ministries could not be done without the giving of your time and gifts.

"Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."  (Luke 12:34)

These words of Jesus will be the focus for our worship on Sunday. Though they may be familiar, they hold a surprise for us. We tend to assume that our use of money is an outgrowth of what's in our hearts. But in this passage, we get a different word - that our hearts are drawn toward the things for which we use our money.

So, if Jesus were saying this to people in 2016, he might tell us to take a look at our bank statements and see what they tell us about what is really most important to us. All of us, of course, are in different circumstances. But all of us are invited to consider again what we find at the center of our lives - and what we most deeply want to find there.

This Sunday is Commitment Sunday, when we dedicate our financial giving to the church for 2017. It's a time for celebration, as we look ahead to what God can do with our gifts - in the church, in the world, and in our hearts.

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