2022 Annual Giving Commitment

Thank you for your gifts to God through Downers Grove First United Methodist Church in 2021!  Even in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, our church has remained faithful with recurring gifts that have made all of our programs, ministries, missions, and community connections impacted by the world possible and viable. Thanks to your contributions in the name of God, our church and community have been Growing Our Gifts for New Life Together in vibrant new ways. Our church has gone through so many changes, yet our core values of Open Hearts, Open Minds, and Open Doors (in person and online) remain constant.

This October, we explored our membership vows of presence, prayer, service, gifts, and witness. On Commitment Sunday (October 24) we celebrate the exciting opportunities for the church as we stream forward with new technologies that we can utilize now and in the future.

Christ is always with us, and our church is always there for us as well. Our youth ministries, inspirational music programs, dedicated staff, and most of all, our finest traditions of relishing the glory of God in our lives, are still there but look a little different.

The activities of our church require a large financial investment for our beautiful, but old, church building, the spiritual leaders of our youth and music programs, and our mission work. By making this investment, you commit to the success of the church’s overall mission of enriching the spiritual lives of the congregation and the community. Every gift, no matter how big or small, furthers that mission and helps bring the message of Jesus to the world striving to provide full inclusion recognizing our strengths and our diversity.

Fill out this year's Service Interest form as you review your commitments this year. The time you spend volunteering with our church is a valuable contribution! Many hands make light work. We hope that you will carefully and prayerfully consider your contributions to the life of the church. Renewed as Jesus renewed our souls, we invite you to renew or expand your financial commitment to the work of the church. Please mail or email carolyn@dgfumc.org your commitments to our church and ultimately to God, reaffirming our shared mission. We look forward to sharing in this commitment with you in the coming year.

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