Lent: Day 29

Lenten DevotionalsFrom Suffering to Hope

Scripture: Romans 5:1-11
“... And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.” – Romans 5:2-4 (NIV)

For many years, I have suffered from chronic health issues, increasing both in quantity and severity. So far, they do not threaten the length of my life but rather, the quality of it. Struggling to get through each day with symptoms such as widespread pain and unpredictable neurological impairment makes me vulnerable to self-pity and hopelessness. This scripture passage, written by the Apostle Paul to the Romans, helps me focus on a positive aspect of suffering: it leads to some virtuous qualities and eventually creates hope.

The gift of hope that stems from tribulation is miraculous and comforting. My suffering is a mystery to me, but through abiding faith, I believe that God wants me to be happy and that my situation is part of his special plan for me. I know that I am not alone. Countless others in the world also suffer, some so much more than me. Furthermore, every day and particularly during Lent, I remember that Jesus Christ suffered most. He gave his life to us and for us, creating in us the hope of everlasting life and God’s unconditional love.

Despite the challenges of living, there is so much joy in life. I admit that there are times when I do not want to suffer, persevere and demonstrate character. However, I cannot deny my ongoing desire to be hopeful, and I am truly grateful for daily blessings. I should already feel healed by God’s grace. Still, I work hard to manage my health, and although it has not improved yet, I imagine a time when my symptoms will disappear, possibly here, but definitely in heaven. I try to maintain an attitude of hope by sensing the presence of the Holy Spirit in me, through the heartfelt prayers of my Christian community and through God’s promise of eternal life in his loving gift of our savior, Jesus Christ.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we pray for all who suffer. Please help us to endure and even celebrate life’s challenges, as they lead to the hope of your promise and love. Amen.

Gail Piencak
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

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