Lent: Day 40

Lenten Devotionals“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.” – Revelations 3:20

The church I attended as a child had a large stained glass window depicting a young, bearded Jesus in a long red robe knocking at a thick wooden door without a doorknob or latch on the outside. His head was slightly turned so that he appeared to be listening for footsteps and the click of a latch turning. Jesus, our teacher, told us, he cannot open the door; the door can only be opened from the inside.

Many of us object to the idea of asking Jesus to come into our heart or become our personal savior. It seems childish and undignified... although...we would like to share a meal with him and have him answer some of our questions. We cannot help but think that he would be captivating company.

The writer of Revelations suggests that God is waiting for us to open the door to Him/Her and when we do He/She will become a dinner companion, a friend who really listens and responds when we discuss the happenings and concerns of our day, as well as the larger issues of identity and purpose.

Perhaps the key to opening the door is as simple as stopping and turning our full attention to God. Maybe our attention is the click of the latch that Jesus is waiting for. Christ, the writer of Revelations suggests, is a person who can be experienced and in whose presence we are nourished and restored.

Christ is knocking on the door to our hearts. Do you hear him? Will you answer the door? The food is ready. All we need to do is close our eyes and turn our attention and the door will swing open. The food and conversation are the best.

Come in, come in!

Carol Lysne
Sunday, April 17, 2011

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