The Life You've Always Wanted

The Life You've Always WantedThis 6 week class, taught by Jim McDonald, is designed to help you make the journey together. The Life You've Always Wanted guides you down the ancient path of the spiritual disciplines. As in a marathon, the secret lies not in trying harder, but in training consistently. Proven by followers of Jesus over the centuries, the spiritual disciplines are exercises that strengthen your endurance race on the road of growth. As you and your group continue down that road, you'll see the signposts - joy, peace, kindness, and all the hallmarks of a faith that's vital, real, and growing.

The class is held on Wednesday mornings from 10-11am in Room 213.  It begins March 2 and ends April 6.  No registration necessary, you may just show up. 

Room 213
Wednesday, March 23, 2011 - 10:00am to Thursday, March 24, 2011 - 10:59am

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