Father's Day Fun

Ice Cream Social

On Fathers Day, June 19, the Membership Committee will be hosting an Ice Cream Social after the 10AM worship service. Please plan on stopping by to welcome summer and honor the men and fathers of our congregation with some ice cream! The event will be held outside in the breeze way between the chapel and the entrance to the church.


If You Give a Dad a Cookie...

he’ll have a Happy Father’s Day!!  Why not stop in the parlor on Sunday, June 19, and buy your dad a cookie to benefit the church’s Bridge Program?  The homemade, decorated sugar cookies are individually packaged for your convenience.  To order 6 or more in advance, please contact Julie Stone.




Sunday, June 19, 2011 - 12:41pm

Copyright © 2024 South DuPage CROP Hunger Walk. Please report any problems to SouthDuPageCROP@gmail.com.