Men's Huddle Kickoff

Join us for the kick-off of the 2011-2012 Men's Huddle, October 4th, 2011 from 6:15am to 7:30am in Fellowship Hall. Our guest speaker is Jim Morrissey from the 1985 Super Bowl Champion Chicago Bears.

Men's Huddle will continue every Tuesday morning from 6:15am to 7:30am in Fellowship Hall. Our first series will take us through the work of Tony Dungy's Uncommon. Super Bowl winning coach and #1 New York Times best selling author Tony Dungy has had an unusual opportunity to reflect on what it takes to achieve significance. He is looked at by many as the epitome of success and significance, which is highly valued in our culture. He also works every day with young men who are trying to achieve significance through football, and all that goes with a professional athletic career - such as money, power, and celebrity. Coach Dungy has had all that, but he passionately believes that there is a different path to significance, a path characterized by attitudes, ambitions, and allegiances that are all too rare, but uncommonly rewarding. Uncommon reveals lessons on achieving significance that the coach has learned from his remarkable parents, his athletic and coaching career, his mentors, and his journey with God. A particular focus of the book is: what it means to be a man of significance in a culture that is offering young men few positive role models.

Mark your calendars, ask a friend and join us on October 4th!

Fellowship Hall
Tuesday, October 4, 2011 - 6:15am

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