Friday Night at the Movies: The Shawshank Redemption
A Look at Genres
In collaboration with Sue Thornquist, we have come up with a theme for this year's Friday Night at the Movies: "A Look at Genres." We'll elaborate on that in the next Tower Bell, but for now, sign up in the church office starting November 1st for our next offering:
The Shawshank Redemption is a 1994 release based on Stephen King's novella Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption. The movie tells the story of Andy Dufresne, portrayed by Tim Robbins, a young banker wrongly convicted of killing his wife and her lover and sentenced to life in prison at Shawshank prison. Andy is befriended by Ellis "Red" Redding, another lifer, played by Morgan Freeman. What follows is a powerful story of friendship, hope, survival, and triumph in the face of a most hopeless situation. The film garnered 7 Oscar nominations, including Best Actor (Morgan Freeman) and best picture, and resides on Roger Ebert's all time best film list.
You may want to read the novella before seeing the movie, so Sue Thornquist has graciously loaned several copies of the book to FUMC. Stop by the office if you wish to borrow a copy.
The November Movie Night will be Friday, November 18, 7:30pm, at the Safford Home Theatre. This month's discussion will be lead by Howard Bensen. A $2 donation will help cover soft drinks, popcorn, coffee, and dessert.
If you would enjoy leading the post-movie discussion, let Caryl or Don Safford know at 630-985-8555.
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