Friday Night at the Movies: Easy Street and City Lights
This month Friday Night at the Movies will look at Silent Film. We will be viewing Charlie Chaplin's Easy Street and City Lights. Easy Street is an early Chaplin film and City Lights, from 1931, is the most famous and hailed of Chaplin's films. Both films highlight Charlie Chaplin's power as a writer, director, and actor, as well as showcasing his development from early film to later. City Lights is a wonderful comedy and love story that will set the mood for Valentine's Day! Easy Street will surprise the audience with its social commentary as well as classic Chaplin humor. Come revisit (or see for the first time) the power of movies "back in the day!"
The discussion this month will be lead by Sue Thornquist.
Sign up in the church office starting January 1st.
Popcorn, soft drinks, dessert, and coffee provided; suggested donation $2.
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