
FoundationsMarch Schedule

March 4th, 2012 - The Refugees in Our Midst: Anne Wentz

“Working with refugees is one of the most fulfilling ways I know of expressing the love of the Gospel,” according to Anne Wentz.  Refugees are people who have fled their home country because of religious, political or ethnic persecution.  Most of them fled for their lives.

Refugees come to the U.S. with nothing but the clothes on their backs and a small suitcase. Most speak little or no English, have no job skills and have no understanding of American culture, schools, or customs – things that we all take for granted. Yet, they are expected to find jobs and become self-supporting within 3-6 months of arriving.

Anne Wentz has been working for more than eight years with refugees in the western suburbs through her church, Exodus World Service and World Relief.  She first became involved with refuges when she helped to collect and deliver a “Welcome to America” Pack (about 50 basic household items for kitchen, bedroom and bath) for a newly arrived refugee family. 

From there, Anne became a “New Neighbor” volunteer, meeting with families on a regular basis, and responding to the needs:  understanding a new culture, language and our medical and educational systems.  Anne has helped with applying for food stamps, finding doctors who accept Medicaid, finding dentists who would do pro bono work, providing transportation to medical appointments, and enrolling children in school.

Anne chairs the Refugee Committee in her church and has gathered others to help support this mission, including Moe Shahpar, who speaks Farsi and therefore can translate for refugees from Iran.  The church has delivered nine Welcome Packs this fiscal year so far, in addition to providing used furniture to dozens of refugee families.

Besides her work with refugees, Anne is a CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) and a volunteer for DuPage Habitat for Humanity Women Build. Anne and her husband Bill are members of Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church in Naperville.

March 11th, 2012 - Working With Trauma: Anne Wentz

March 18th, 2012 - Facing Mental Illness: Leroy Pickett

Leroy was diagnosed as an adult with bi-polar disorder and since then has worked to reduce the stigma associated with the words "mental illness".

March 25th, 2012 - Facing Oneself: Patrick Maher

Pat sustained a spinal cord injury and complete paralysis from mid-torso at 21 years of age as a result of a fall from a 2nd story balcony.

Room 212
Sunday, March 4, 2012 - 9:30am
Sunday, March 11, 2012 - 9:30am
Sunday, March 18, 2012 - 9:30am
Sunday, March 25, 2012 - 9:30am

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