Women's Lenten Bible Study – "The Way"

The Way - Walking in the Footsteps of JesusA Lenten Bible study on "The Way – Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus," will be held on Wednesday afternoons, from 1:15-2:30, in Room 213, beginning February 20.

Karen Stahlecker and Pastor Greta will co-lead the study, which includes video footage of the Holy Land along with study and discussion of major elements of Jesus' life journey, including Baptism and Temptation, the Healing Ministry, Proclaiming the Kingdom, Calming the Storm, Sinners, Outcasts and the Poor, and the Final Week.

Meeting dates will be February 20 and 27, March 6, 13, and 20, and April 3.

Questions? Leave word for Pastor Greta in the church office. We hope to see you at the study on February 20!

Room 213
Wednesday, February 20, 2013 - 1:15pm
Wednesday, February 27, 2013 - 1:15pm
Wednesday, March 6, 2013 - 1:15pm
Wednesday, March 13, 2013 - 1:15pm
Wednesday, March 20, 2013 - 1:15pm
Wednesday, April 3, 2013 - 1:15pm

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