Friday Night at the Movies: Argo

ArgoArgo won the Oscar for Best Picture this year, and will be our next offering on March 15. In the midst of the Iranian Hostage Crisis in 1979, six Americans manage to escape the takeover and seek refuge in the home of the Canadian Ambassador to Iran. Argo tells the story of their rescue, fraught with danger, tension, and potential for failure at every turn. Ben Affleck directed and starred in this multi-award-winning historical thriller. Don and Caryl Safford will lead the post-film discussion.

Soft drinks, popcorn, dessert and coffee will be provided; a $2 donation is suggested.

Sign-up begins March 1 in the church office or using the form below.

Safford Home
Friday, March 15, 2013 - 7:30pm

Signups closed for this Event

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