Hymn Sing!

Hymn Sing!Come One!  Come All!

As part of Friendship Sunday, you are cordially invited to an All-Church Hymn Sing and Potluck this Sunday. At 4:30pm, we will gather in the Sanctuary to enjoy our favorite hymns and then go downstairs to Fellowship Hall at 5:45pm for a potluck supper.

Please bring a dish to share using your last name as follows:

A-H   Bring a Salad or Vegetable Dish
I-S     Bring a Main Dish
T-Z    Bring a Dessert

Bring your friends, neighbors, kids, and parents.  Everyone is welcome!

Sunday, September 29, 2013 - 4:30pm

Copyright © 2024 South DuPage CROP Hunger Walk. Please report any problems to SouthDuPageCROP@gmail.com.