Friday Night at the Movies: Philadelphia

PhiladelphiaWe kick off the new year on January 17 with Philadelphia, a 1993 drama starring Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington. This ground-breaking film, cited as the first Hollywood mainstream movie to address HIV/AIDS, homosexuality, and homophobia, is the story of Andrew Beckett (Tom Hanks), a rising star senior associate in a highly prestigious Philadelphia law firm. Andrew’s life changes dramatically when his homophobic firm not only discovers he is a gay man but also learns he suffers from AIDS. In 1993, AIDS was a death sentence, its transmission still poorly understood by the general public. This emotionally powerful film garnered Oscars for Best Actor (Hanks) and Best Original Song (“Streets of Philadelphia” by Bruce Springsteen) as well as a host of other nominations and awards. In addition, watch for such veteran actors as Jason Robards and Joanne Woodward as well as [then] newcomers Antonio Banderas and Chandra Wilson, now playing Dr, Miranda Bailey on Grey’s Anatomy.

John Smoke will be our discussion leader. Sign up now in the church office. Snacks and desserts will be on hand; a $2 donation is suggested.

Safford Theatre
Friday, January 17, 2014 - 7:30pm

Signups closed for this Event

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