Friday Night at the Movies: Midnight Run

Midnight RunAction.  Comedy.  Crime.  Mystery.  Thriller.  Those are the genres named by Roger Ebert in his glowing review of Midnight Run, starring Robert De Niro and Charles Grodin. De Niro plays Jack Walsh, who is a “skip-tracer,” a person who finds and brings back bail bondsmen clients who have tried to skip bail. Grodin plays Jonathan Mardukas, bail skipper. As Ebert says, “[they] spend most of the movie trying to survive….while the FBI is trying to capture them and the underworld is trying to kill them.”  Here we see De Niro unleash his considerable comedic talents; Grodin is every bit his equal.

Sue Thornquist will lead the lively discussion we’re sure to have after this extremely funny and delightful film. A $2 donation is suggested.

Safford Home
Friday, February 21, 2014 - 7:30pm

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