Friday Night at the Movies: Bernie


Laura Temple and Andy Wood will present Bernie, a 2011 release starring Jack Black, Shirley MacLaine, and Matthew McConaughey.

Based on a true crime that took place in Carthage, TX in 1996, Black plays the title role of Bernie Tiede, a beloved assistant funeral director in the small town who befriends an elderly millionaire widow who is much unloved in the little community. Roger Ebert said that Jack Black gave one of the performances of the year. "He creates his character out of thin air, it's like nothing he's done before, and it proves that an actor can be a miraculous thing in the right role."

Sign-up now below or in the church office. A suggested donation of $2 will cover popcorn, soft drinks, coffee, and dessert.

Safford Home
Friday, May 9, 2014 - 7:30pm

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