Friday Night at the Movies

November 21, 2014
7:30 p.m.
Safford Home Theatre

Continuing  The Pastor Picks series, John Smoke will present Her, a 2013 film billed as “a science fiction, fiction, romantic comedy-drama.”  Wow, something for everyone!  Spike Jonze wrote and directed this highly acclaimed movie, which stars Joaquin Phoenix as Theodore Twombly, a lonely writer nursing a broken heart after the break-up of his marriage. But then Theodore falls in love with “her.”  It’s romance  2025-style, and a little different than what we’re used to, but heartwarming nonetheless. Her garnered many awards, including five Academy Award nominations and an Oscar for Best Original Screenplay. 

Soft drinks, popcorn, dessert and coffee will be served; a $2 donation is suggested.  Sign-up now in the church office at 630.968.7120; attendance is limited to 20 people.  See you on the 21st!

Safford Home
Friday, November 21, 2014 - 7:30pm

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