Write for Rights Day

Join us as we make a difference for International Human Rights Day as part of Amnesty International's Write for Rights Campaign on Sunday, December 11. Every year, to mark Human Rights Day, hundreds of thousands of people around the world write letters and sign online petitions to help people they've never met.

You can help change the lives of this year’s 12 cases, including prisoner of conscience and human rights defender Ilham Tohti in China, a professor serving life in jail for fighting discrimination; prisoner of conscience, Shawkan, in Egypt, a photojournalist jailed for doing his job; and Annie Alfred, a child with albinism hunted for her body parts and other people with albinism in Malawi. When combined with millions of others, your letters help convince government officials to free prisoners of conscience, support human rights defenders, and end other urgent cases of abuse. Together, we can change lives and change our world.

Come hear about the interesting cases, chat with others, or contemplate these cases over a warm drink, and write one or more letters for those who are in need of justice and compassion. You can learn about the cases and sign-up online at write.amnestyusa.org.

Can one person make a difference? Yes! Be a light of hope in a world of darkness. Invite your friends and neighbors as this is an Interfaith community event.

Sunday, December 11, 2016 - 10:00am to Monday, December 12, 2016 - 1:59pm

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