Annual UMW Christmas Tea

We continue to encourage all women of our church to be a part of the UMW by either participating in one of the Circles that meet monthly or participating as a “general member." Plan to join us in fellowship at our annual Christmas Tea. This year the meeting and program will be in the evening to enable many of our working women to attend. Hosted by the Sarah and Rachel Circles, the tea will feature a tasty buffet of fruit, cheese & crackers, and cookies and will include a brief meeting to install our officers for 2018 followed by a holiday program. The program will be a delightful musical presentation by the Downers Grove South Madrigal singers.

Truly a great evening is in store for us so make plans to attend. If you are in need of a ride that evening, please contact either Shelly Davenport at 630.512.0370 or our Outreach Coordinator, Wendy Nystrom, at 630.330.0581 or your circle coordinator and a ride will be arranged for you. Come get in the holiday spirit and share in the fellowship with other women in our church.


Tuesday, December 5, 2017 - 6:30pm

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