Virtual Garden Walk

The 14th Annual Downers Grove Garden Walk will be held online this year. It will give you an opportunity to preview some of the most beautiful gardens in the area in anticipation of next year's in-person (we hope!) Garden Walk. This Garden Walk is a fundraiser benefiting the Bridge Board of the Downers Grove First United Methodist Church.

This year's virtual Garden Walk will be a “sneak peek” of the gardens for 2021 with a professionally produced YouTube video posted online until August 8. This sneak peek features gardens that would have been on this year's Garden Walk and will instead appear on the walk next year, when we can visit in person. 

No ticket purchase is necessary. Please consider donating online in support of our Bridge program and the families that we mentor, should you choose to do so. We appreciate your understanding and your generous support of this meaningful mission.

Online Giving

The Bridge Board is a program partner with Bridge Communities, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose focus is to transform the lives of homeless families by guiding them to a better future. This mission is accomplished by providing housing, mentoring, direction, hope, encouragement and a stable environment so that families may become self-sufficient and sustain their independence. Every family resides in DuPage County.

Saturday, July 11, 2020 - 9:30am to Sunday, August 9, 2020 - 2:59pm

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