Virtual Christmas Handbell Concert

A Distant Ringing Christmas

Come along and join us for an evening of sparkling handbell music as we anticipate the delight of Christmas.

Featuring the Westminster Select and the Chancel Ringers
Pattie Barnes, director

We bring joy and celebration to the Season of our Savior's birth!

Instrumentalists Andrew and Molly Hesse, Amy Vogt, Chris Dortwegt, Kurt Meyer, Julie Spring, and a wonderful chorus of singers will also join in the musical offerings.

Your spirits will be lifted and the program will give you some favorite Christmas tunes to hum . . . or whistle . . . all week!

Please join us for bronze virtual vibrations!!

A link to access the virtual Distant Ringing Christmas will be available closer to the date.

Please click on this link for the concert to pop up and look for the Handbell Concert on the list. 

For more information, email Pattie Barnes at

Sunday, December 13, 2020 - 7:00pm to Monday, December 14, 2020 - 6:59pm

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