Navigating Health Care Presentation

Navigating health care can be incredibly complicated! Join us on Sunday, February 13 at 11:15 am in the church parlor for some tips and tricks on how to make informed health care decisions and what questions to ask. Retired nurse, Linda Main, will offer a short presentation and share some helpful checklists from The Care Partner Project that can assist you when navigating surgery decisions and hospital stays for you or for your loved ones.

These checklists will help you know what to watch for, do, and say to healthcare providers. Linda, a former ICU nurse, will share why we need to know how to be an advocate for ourselves and our loved ones when we or they are seeking medical care and will go over some examples from the checklists. A sample set of checklists will be given out at the presentation. No registration is required.


Fellowship Hall
Sunday, February 13, 2022 - 11:15am

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