Stress-Care Workshop

The Health and Wellness Team invites you to start the new year by caring for your well-being -- and enjoying fellowship and a light lunch at the same time.

"Stress Reduction for Care-Givers," and "Listening to Yourself --Biofeedback and Neurofeedback Training" are the topics being presented at an after-church workshop on Stress Reduction on Sunday, January 20, from 12:15 until 2:30 in Chapel Hall.

Dr Tricia Treft

Stress Reduction for Care-Givers

Tricia Treft, D. Min, the Pastoral Care Manager at Adventist Hinsdale Hospital, will lead the workshop on "Stress Reduction for Care-Givers." If you are in the role of care-giving for a friend or family member, this workshop will help you identify ways to keep yourself strong and balanced in that role.

Debbie Vyskocil

Listening to Yourself
Biofeedback and Neurofeedback Training

Debbie Vyskocil, President of Curative Via, an organization for Biofeedback and Neurofeedback training, will give guidance to all of us, whatever pressures we experience, in understanding how to use our inner resources to respond in a healthy way.

Attendees will have the option to attend one or both of the workshops. A light lunch will be served (no fee, but donations will be accepted) at the start of the workshop time.

All are welcome to attend -- please register by calling or emailing the church office by January 18 or emailing Pastor Greta by 3:00 p.m. on January 19.. If you would like more information, please contact Andrea Schwartzers, Health and Wellness Chair, or one of the Health and Wellness members, or leave word with Pastor Greta in the church office.

Chapel Hall
Sunday, January 20, 2013 - 12:15pm

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