Thank You JJ Mannschreck

JJ and Sara MannschreckWe want to congratulate Seminary Intern JJ Mannschreck on his recent graduation from Garrett-Evangelical! JJ has had a very successful seminary experience, as you may have assumed from the high quality of leadership he shared during his two years with our congregation.

With seminary completed, JJ now steps out of his role with our local church and begins the rest of his journey in full-time ministry. He and his wife, Sara, plan to work abroad for the next two years, she teaching English, and he serving in available ministry capacities. Following that adventure, they plan to return to Michigan, where JJ will serve as a pastor in the Detroit Area Conference.

From working with the Praise Band, to leading youth ministries for a time, to beginning a small group, to preaching and pastoral care and administrative experience, JJ has gifted our congregation and made a difference in many ways.

Godspeed, JJ and Sara - we are grateful for you!

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