Welcoming the world right where we are

As we enter the last half of August, we are also in the last few weeks of our summer 2015 church theme - "Welcoming the World."

We've had a lot of opportunities to venture out into the world as a congregation this summer - from Church Camp at Wesley Woods; to the week of community outreach our youth experienced at United Church of Rogers Park; to deepening a relationship of shared faith and mutual ministry in vastly different cultures through the Delegation trip to the UPAVIM cooperative in Guatemala; and to the eye-opening and heart-opening experiences our Senior High Youth had as they served and learned from the people of Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota.

Now it's time to bring it up close and personal, and remember that "Welcoming the World" right where we are is part of the daily fabric of the Christian life.

One my favorite conversations of Jesus is found in Mark 5:18-20. A person's life has been deeply changed by his encounter with Jesus. He asks Jesus if he can travel along with him, but Jesus' answer is no - in this case, it is even more important that the man go home, and be ready to share what he has learned of God's mercy and power to change a life with those in his own neighborhood, and village.

We'll be looking at this scripture on Sunday, and consider the "micro-mission" we are each given by Christ to extend care and offer authentic relationship with people in our communities, those we already know, and those we have yet to meet.

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