
As I look out my window this morning, I can see a lawn maintenance truck cleaning up the park across the street, taking advantage of the nice, spring-like weather. It reminded me that the weatherman is, once again, predicting snow in a few days time. The problem with predicting the weather is that it's becoming much like the evening news - a lot of sound and flurry without any significance.

Why all the fuss for something that may not even occur? Now we could get some significant snowfall here in Downers Grove or it could hit south of 80 or north of our border. The fuss is to put a little fear in us - as if we don't have enough, between a good friend sick with cancer or memory loss - so that we stay tuned.

When we really think about it though, it turns out we always dance between faith and fear. This Sunday I am preaching on what some might call a Good Friday service using the familiar Last Supper story found in Matthew 26. Now I know it is not Good Friday, but I will use the story for a Lenten sermon on trust.

This Sunday marks the beginning of Daylight Savings Time so don't forget to set your clocks ahead one hour; we wouldn't want to miss you this Sunday.

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