Christ's Unconditional Love

We are in a place of transition and fundamental change. Not necessarily because we wanted to be, but because we must change in order to live as God created us to live. There is nothing that can completely prepare us for the times and stations in our lives where we must become vastly different in ways that we did not want to. One word that describes it is metamorphose - "to change into a wholly different form or appearance; transform."

The United Methodist Church worldwide held a special session of its General Conference to decide about its acceptance and inclusion of LGBTQ+ members of the UMC worldwide. The overall final voting rendered a result that those valued members of our family are not welcomed, accepted, or given full inclusion as the people of God that they obviously are.

That harsh pattern of voting was and is very hurtful to me but even more painful to our LGBTQ+ UMC family members. What we know is that LGBTQ+ people in the United Methodist Church and those who support them are loved unconditionally by Christ but are now going through a type of change that I'm calling transfiguration - "A marked change in form or appearance; A change that glorifies or exalts." I'm saying that during this season of spiritual transformation, for all who are hurt by the awful and piercing words and voting actions at the General Conference, do not become transfixed by their outcome!

The Word of God still speaks to us providing direction and healing as an equalizer. Luke 9:28-43 deals with the transfiguration of Jesus. It connects us to the knowledge that we have a Savior that fully knows our hurts and pains but also who transcends this world's harmful actions and words through divine love and the undefeated power of the Holy Spirit.

Please read this passage and realize that the disciples' mountain top experience of joy and awe as well as their valley's powerlessness and depression are both expected and interchangeable in the divine province of God. This season of spiritual transfiguration will bring about a marked change that will glorify and exult God.

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