Community Hour - Bridge Mentors

Please join us in the Parlor after the 10am service on Sunday, February 23, to hear a brief presentation by Dan Johnson and his fellow mentors about how our church support Bridge families transition to independence. We currently support three families, helping them develop the skills they need to support themselves in our community. Two or three mentors from our church make a two-year commitment to meet with their Bridge families every week, guiding them through the process and helping them meet the challenges they face in becoming self-sufficent. Come and hear directly from the mentors about their experiences and how it has changed them. There will be time for questions.

Pastor John Smoke is leading children's activities during the presentation and there will be baby-sitting in the nursery so that those with young families can attend.

This is the first of a series of informal presentations about the different mission activities of our church members in the weeks before Easter. We hope you will stay behind after the service to discover the ways DGFUMC is making a difference in people's lives. You can also help support the work of the Bridge Board by coming back at 4pm for the Encore concert.

Sunday, February 23, 2020 - 11:20am

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