S.O.S. Thank You!

We had a lot of fine work done on the 2nd Saturday of the month in October and I want to call it to the congregation's attention. We were able to work hard at the parsonage and got a ton of exterior work done.

We removed 100's of walnuts. We gathered twigs and limbs to burn. We edged and trenched trees in the back yard and planted hostas. We cleaned up and weeded several flower beds. We got 18 old "PADS" matresses thrown away. We got some electrical work done and some work done in the shower areas. We washed about half of the Rent-a Tent chairs. All in all a very busy and productive morning.

We had 17 in attendance....they are Dave Shultz, Terry and Tyler Bleau, Andrea Schwartzers-Polites, Tom and Karen Wagner, Pete Wildman, Don and Devra Dunham, Don Safford, Mark and Ellen Pitstick, Alan DeBral, Scott and Chris Hudson, Ward Feste, and Scott and Renie Curry.

Thanks to all of you for your outstanding efforts. We worked hard and enjoyed each other'scompany and fellowship. Let's keep the ball rolling.....this is the best attendance we have had in several months. Bring family, friends and kids.....we challenge you to be good stewards in SERVICE towards the upkeep and maintenance of OUR church. We meet every 2nd Saturday of the month for continental breakfast, fellowship and designated work from staff, trustees, and SOS coordinators.

During this S.O.S. event we saved the church about $1,000 in labor expenses.


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