April Schedule
April 1st, 2012 - Facing Alcoholism: The Way of A.A.: Mary Carrigan
A.A. has helped people overcome addictions since 1935 when one addict shared the "good news" with another addict. A.A. is a spiritual program that transforms lives when worked.
April 8th, 2012 - No Class
April 15th, 2012 - The Power of Poetry: Howard Milkman
April 22nd, 2012 - How I Learned to be Compassionate: Judy Koptik
Judy shares what she has learned from her own and others life circumstances as she walked her spiritual path.
April 29th, 2012 - Evolutionary Christianity: Richard Lewis
Evolutionary Christianity proposes that God acts in and through the evolutionary process. It draws upon the words of Jesus and Paul to explain the evolutionary impulse and our responsibility in creating the Kingdom of God, a Kingdom of Love. Richard Lewis is a retired UCC Minister. He received his Ph.D. in 1972 from the Chicago Theological Seminary where he later worked as Dean of Students and Director of Field Education for 15 years. He has also served as an interim minister in several churches in the Chicago area. His current interest is in Evolutionary Christianity and Integral Philosophy.
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God, as known to us in Jesus Christ, welcomes all.
We welcome people of any race, national origin, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, social or economic status, employment status, or life situation; including people with physical or mental illness or disability.
We practice loving acceptance of each person and respectful discussion
of our differences.
Affiliated to Reconciling Ministries Network
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